05. Implementing Auth0
Implementing Auth0
Working with Auth0
Follow along with the set up at Auth0.com !
ND004 C03 L02 A06.1 Setting Up Auth0 1
Using the Auth0 Authorization Code Flow with Hosted Login Pages
ND004 C03 L02 A06.2 Setting Up Auth0 1
Auth0 Authorize Link
The complete documentation for the authorization code flow can be found in
Auth0's Documentation
It may help to fill in the url in the textbox below before copying it into your browser:
Integrating Auth0 With Your Frontend
To integrate Auth0 with your frontend you simply need to redirect your user to your Auth0 hosted login page and include a url to redirect them to upon completion. This can be done using a simple html anchor link:
<a href="{{AUTH0_AUTHORIZE_URL}}">Login</a>
For a more seamless user experience, you can (and should) set up a custom domain on Auth0 by following the instructions in their docs . This is also a good idea to minimize the risk of Phishing Attacks by ensuring that your users do not accidentally enter their credentials into a login form that just looks like yours.
Try it yourself!
Task Description:
Follow these steps to set up a new Auth0 Account
Task Feedback:
Well done.
Alternative Authentication Methods in Auth0
ND004 C03 L02 A06.3 Setting Up Auth0 1